Our achievements

The Friends have raised and provided funding to date of £84,645 if you would like to get involved please join the Friends. Below you see some great examples of what we have achieved through hard work and your support.

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 Achievements Funding of £84,645 Provided

  • Roof Repairs

    Funding to date amounts to £12,715.

    Extensive roof repairs will be required in 2024 the Friends has so far contributed £12,715 for repairs and improvements to the lead flashing along the union of the Nave roof and the North face of the Tower. Additional work will be required on the South Aisle roof and will require a Diocesan Faculty.

  • Organ appeal

    Total Funding £8,000

    2023 saw the restoration of the 127-year-old pipe organ, despite being well looked after, the organ had deteriorated since 2018 and was unplayable. The work took 5 months and required the complete dismantling of the 127-year-old instrument by specialist firm Manders Organs td. The total cost was £36000, and this was raised through a mixture of sources. The Friends made a substantial contribution.

  • Audio visual funding

    Funding to date amounts to £3,495. This includes the church’s Sound System, the Audio Loop for hard of hearing and a Projector to help with the new style services.

  • Church decorating and refurbishment

    Funding to date amounts to £13,977. This also includes the refurbishment and repainting of the porch, the WW1 Memorial plaque, the organ screen, the large picture, new church chairs and a vacuum cleaner.

  • Heating and lighting

    Funding to date £10,890. This includes the new heating and lighting system and the external security lighting.

  • Building the church toilets

    Funding to date amounts to £23,325. The Friends helped to provide two toilets for the Church congregation use.

  • Churchyard

    The Friends donated £1,028 towards the cost of a robust motorised garden strimmer to be used in the churchyard, this will save the church £700+ annually.

  • Organ maintenance

    The Friends has provided regular funding towards the maintenance of the organ which was built and installed about 125 years ago. This has amounted to £2,250 to date.

  • Church repairs

    Funding to date amounts to £8965

    Funding includes previous roof repairs, the new floor to the South Aisle and repairs to the West window.